Dip into the first British asparagus of the season

St George’s Day is traditionally the start of the British asparagus season, where for a short eight weeks you can enjoy the tasty home grown veg.


Keen to get the delicacy on our plates as soon as possible though, the chefs from The Star & Garter in Leamington have been off in search of the earliest possible crop. Their travels took them to a small family run farm owned by John Barfoot in Sussex and they have brought their produce back to the pub. To make the most of this fantastic produce, Head Chef Jakub and his team have come up with a novel way of getting your asparagus fix.

Dip Your Own Star and Garter Leamington

From today, they will be launching ‘Dip Your Own’ dunking your veg into a pot of delicious home-made Hollandaise sauce, grated egg and Parmesan. Soft, free-range egg combined with the slightly sharp, nutty taste of Parmesan and a classic Hollandaise make for a fantastic flavour combination.

The Almanac - Kenilworth

“Once you’ve tried it, you won’t be able to stop dipping!” says Head Chef  Jakob Fijak. But don’t delay – Dip Your Own is only available in The Star & Garter from now until the end of May, so make the most of the British asparagus season while you can.

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